Ricardo Hofstadter


Is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the Universidad de la Republica (Montevideo – Uruguay) in December 1979. He has been working as an independent consultant in the areas of Electrical and Lighting Design from the early 90’s.

He has participated as a lecturer or speaker at various events related to Lighting through the Region: Biel 2001 (Buenos Aires) and 2009 (Buenos Aires), Luxamerica 2002 (Tucumán) and 2008 (Rosario), Argentine National Lighting Seminar (Mar del Plata ) in 2004, 2nd Latin American Forum of Lighting Designers (San Pablo) in 2008, First Ibero Latin American Lighting Designers Meeting (Valparaiso) in 2010, 2nd Ledforum (Sao Paulo) 2011, Academic activities of the Argentina Association of Lighting (AADL) with the Professional Council of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Buenos Aires (Copyme) in May 2011, International Façade Forum, Central Society of Argentina in 2006.

Since founding the company, Ricardo has emphasized in the development of innovative solutions where architecture should be the protagonist of the space and lighthing as a complement for its better appreciation and for the welfare of consumers.

Through the firm he has participated in most of the major projects built in Uruguay in the last years (WTC, Torre Antel, Teatro Solis, AEPSM, Carrasco Airport) as well as many works abroad: United Arab Emirates, People’s Republic China, Miami (USA), Argentina and Ecuador, working with major architectural firms.
